Monday, July 28, 2008

CUIL - Don't Go There

I just tried the search engine.


First I did a search for TIMR - our company name. Lots of listings for forum entries by TimR but nothing to our site. Also, every page had a listing of alternate spellings. Not very helpful.

Then I did a search for our full name "TIMR Web Services". The top listing was for 'spammy' looking site that had "Seattle Web Services" in the heading and "TIMR Web Services" in the text -- that is not us. When I went to their site I got hit with a virus.

Fortunately, I run Linux and FireFox just gave a 'hicup' and asked my what to do next.

If you are trying the CUIL search engine - BE CAREFUL. Not only are the results ranked poorly, but they don't appear to be blocking malicious sites.

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