Friday, November 7, 2008

The Palin Effect

It used to be called the 'Peter Principal'. Coined by Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull, it means promoting a person beyond there capabilities. The most resent example was thrusting the governor of a small, by population, state into the world of national politics. The effect is disaster all around and is completely unfair to the person being put in that position.

The Palin Effect also applies to business.

There are thousands of article on the Internet telling small business owners they to can be 'national' or 'international' players. And, it is true, your website gives you a global audience.

However, before taking that step, evaluated your businesses capabilities. Make sure your business is ready to deliver in a national or international market. Wait until your business is ready before moving to the next level.

Don't let your business become a victim of the Palin Effect.

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